Tuesday, September 26, 2006



1. Freshy made Paneer – 100gms
2. Milk – 3tsp
3. Powered Sugar – 100gms
Essence – Few drops of ur choice essence like rose.

For Garnished (Topping):

1. Almonds – 3to4tsp crushed
2. Pista – 3-4tsp crushed

(Picture coutesy: searched in google. Not sure about the origin. If you own this photo, please contact admin to remove photo or add your name)

1. Blend all the ingredients (mentioned in above section) in a mixer.
2. Mix until very smooth.
3. Lightly grease moulds with ghee.
4. Mix topping (garnishing) ingredients.
5. Sprinkle little topping in each mould and press paneer mixture into it OR Spread the Paneer mixture on a serving plate. Let it cool and cut it into pieces as shown in the picture
6. Decorate it with dry fruits and toppings.